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Created in the year 2020...
COVIDIAN TIMES: In Place Sheltered, a compilation of documentary poetry from the spring of 2020.
FROM THE FORWARD: "This poetry collection is the outcome of my need to capture, to document, to attempt sense-making and sanity-keeping during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. These pieces were written while I, like so many others, complied with a government-issued Stay Home Order...Whether you find that some of your own first Covidian experiences were so aligned with mine as to be uncanny, or so distant that we may as well have been living on different planets, my hope is that these poems will offer some small companionship inside your own sphere of reflection."
PRINT-ON-DEMAND: Order directly from
Click Here to order any number of print-on-demand copies. The books will be sent straight to you from the printer, Lulu, and you'll have multiple shipping options to choose from.
Unfortunately, these copies cannot be signed before they are sent, but I will happily do so in person any time it is possible.
This project was made possible in part by a grant from Lane Arts Council with support from City of Eugene Cultural Services.
In thanks and gratitude to all who have read and connected through this volume of poems written during a time of much isolation.
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